Foreign Language Books
Karate Its History and Practice
Size 5×7.4inches・Paperback・494 pages・Price :$25(e-book:$19)
好評発売中の単行本『空手道 その歴史と技法』待望の英語版!
This is the English translation of Karatedo: Sono Rekishi to Giho. This is the book that practitioners and researchers around the world have been waiting for.
Chapter 1 Okinawa/Chapter 2 Kanto Region/Chapter 3 Kansai Region/Chapter 4 Postwar Period/Chapter 5 Special Roundtable Discussion
TENSHINSHŌ-DEN KATORI SHINTŌ-RYŪSize 188×127㎜・Soft Cover・272 Pages・Price \1,500+Tax
好評発売中の単行本『平法 天真正伝香取神道流』待望の英語版!
A narrative on the extensive martial curriculum and wisdom of the Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto-ryu, one of the source traditions of Japanese swordsmanship, from its incumbent master teacher.
Foreword/Preface/Prologue The History of Katori Jingu/ Chapter 1 Our History/ Chapter 2 Apprenticeship/ Chapter 3 Technical Curriculum/ Chapter 4 Strategic Curriculum/ Chapter 5 Philosophy-A message to all martial arts Practitioners/ Afterword/ Appendix I/ Appendix II/ Profile
Edited and Translated by Alexander BENNETT
B5, Bound, 336pages, DVD included( B5 判・上製・336 頁・DVD 付)
This book introduces the long history of the Japanese martial arts, and includes a comprehensive timeline, glossary of terms, and an index. The federations representing the arts of Judo, Kendo, Kyudo, Sumo, Karatedo, Aikido, Shorinji Kempo, Naginata, and Jukendo, as well as various other Budo-related societies and experts contributed to the content. A must have for all martial arts enthusiasts.
Translated by Alexander BENNETT
KANAZAWA Hirokazu’s autobiography, translated by Alexander BENNETT. One of the most influential karate masters Japan has seen, he has devoted himself to the study and promotion of karate for more than 50 years.
“The more I know, the more I climb, yet the mountain just gets higher. The more I try, the more I focus, the depth is limitless. There is no end in sight. That is karate, my life.
A Father’s wisdom/Mission Hawaii/Revenge/Come Home/Encounter with karate/Jomei(Expulsion)/Takushoku University Karate Club/Shotokan Karate-Do International Federation/Japan Karate Association Instructor’s Course/The Never Ending Road
Translated by Jaime Lopez
KARATE MI VIDA es la historia viva de uno de los mas grandes maestros de las artes marciales de todos los tiempos, Kanazawa Hirokazu sensei. En su libro, el nos cuenta de una forma sencilla y amena los episodios mas emocionantes y conmovedores de su vida desde su ninez hasta cuando ya se habia convertido en toda una figura mundialmente conocida y respetada. KARATE MI VIDA le da una vision clara sobre como la ensenanza del Karate se origino en Japon y como luego logro expandirse por todo mundo. Ademas es una excelente fuente de informacion sobre la forma de vida que llevaban los japoneses en los tiempos de guerra y posguerra, y sobre como la ensenanza del karate continuo a pesar de su prohibicion. La pasion del maestro Kanazawa por su arte no lo dejara indiferente. Su vida la dedico a cultivar lo que el siempre amo…el karate.
Sabiduria del un Padre/Mission Hawai/Venganza/Regreso a Casa/Encuentro con el Karate/Jomei(Expulsion)/El Club de Karate de la Universidad de Takushoku/Federacion internacional de Karate-do Shotokan/Curso de Instructores de la AKJ/El Camio que Nunca Termina